Daily Devotional July 1, 2023

Almost 30 years ago, according to a magazine story, an unusual work of modern art was put on display - a chair attached to a shotgun. It was to be interacted with by sitting in the chair and looking directly into the gun barrel. The gun was loaded and set on a timer to fire at an undetermined moment sometime in the next hundred years. Amazingly, people lined up so they could stare right into the shell's path! They all knew the gun could go off at any moment, but each one took the chance that the fatal blast wouldn't happen during his or her minute in the chair. Yes, it was foolhardly. Yet many people who wouldn't dream of sitting in that chair live a lifetime gambling that they can get away with sin. The book of Obadiah brings this foolhardiness to the fare. In Chapter 1, the Lord sent a messenger the nations to stir them up to war against Edom. The people of the nation of Edom thought they were indomitable. In order, to attack them, foes had to enter through a narrow roc...