Daily Devotional March 1, 2023

Leslie and her two daughters were about to be evicted from their home. Although Leslie believed that God could help, so far He hadn't given a clue as to how. She wondered, Where is God? As she drove to the courthouse, she prayed for God's intervention. Then she heard a song on the radio proclaiming, "God is here! Let the brokenhearted rejoice." Could this be the assurance from God that she was longing to hear? Inside the courtroom, Leslie stood before the judge, heard his decision, and signed the legal documents, but still God had not given her an answer. As Leslie was walking to her car, a truck pulled up beside her. "Ma'am", said the driver, "I heard your testimony inside the courtroom, and I believe God wants me to help you". And he did. Gary helped Leslie get in contact with a woman from a local church who was able to work with parties involved to reverse the process so that she and her girls could stay in their home. When people ask, ...