
Showing posts from November, 2022

Daily Devotional December 1, 2022

  The enemy can play a trick on us to hold us captive. But, the Bible assures us that there is "no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit" (Rom. 8:1). We have been set "free from the law of sin and death" (Rom. 8:2). But, the enemy of our soul tries to make us believe we are still dominated by sin. What shall we do then? Reflect on what Christ has done. He died for our sins and declared an end to sin's control over us (Rom. 8:3). He rose from the dead and gave us the Holy Spirit. Now, we are empowered to live victoriously in Him because "the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in us" (Rom. 8:11). In Christ, we are set free. Experience true freedom. Take every thought captive in obedience in Christ. Follow Him. Invite Him in your hearts today to rule over it.

Daily Prayer December 1, 2022

Dear Lord, thank You and love You for seeing who I really am. I most especially thank You, I fall upon my knees in gratitude, that You love me despite all of the sin and ugliness You see in me. You can see my beauty and heart, also, though, and love me as nobody else possibly could. Like a father, You love me. Like a perfect brother, You love me. Knowing that You see me so clearly, and yet love me enough to suffer torture and death to save my soul, transcends my comprehension. I give myself to You wholly, freely; every part of me blesses You. Take me to your bosom, holy Christ; let me live Your love and reflect Your light, that others may see a dim reflection of Your magnificence in my lowly life, and that despite my many grievous faults, I might please You by doing better today, and every day. And this I vow: I will try, at least once today, to take a step closer to you, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen

Daily Devotional November 30, 2022

                                                    Remember, we are not an ordinary person. We are special. God created us, the Creator of Heaven and Earth. We are here because we have a special purpose in this Earth. We have a mission, which is to tell the Good News to everyone. Even if we think that we are just an ordinary person, God sees us as His special people. Imagine, He is always there for us. He hears our prayers and answer it. That is how special we are in His sight. This is real love. We're not a nobody in this world. Each of us has its own use and talents that we can offer all for His glory. Don't think that you are useless. We have a purpose. We can make a difference.

Daily Prayer November 30, 2022

  Dear God, may I have peace within, this day. May I trust You that I am exactly where I am meant to be. May I not forget the infinite possibilities that are born of faith. May I use those gifts that I have received, and pass on the love that has been given to me. May I be confident knowing I am a Your beloved child. Let this presence settle into my bones, and allow my soul the freedom to sing, dance, praise and love. Make us to increase and abound in love one toward another, and toward all men, even as we do toward you. Help me to believe mightily, hope joyfully, and love divinely. Renew me that I may help renew the face of the earth. Amen

Daily Devotional November 29, 2022

  God calls Christians to live a life worthy of their calling by preserving the unity of the Spirit among  Christians. Jesus, His son, has brought peace; destroying the walls between us and making his people ONE in him. There is indeed a joy of meeting someone new and discovering that he or she is also a believer in Christ. It is because we are one in Him. In some places, this is not unusual because there are many believers. But in those lands where there are few believers, the joy of meeting someone else who loves Jesus must be even greater. It's thrilling to share together the amazing reality of the freedom from sin we have through Christ! It's a different feeling because there is joy and happiness. For all who know Jes, there is a shared bond, a oneness in Christ (Gal. 3:28). There is joy of fellowship that can brighten even the darkest day. Christian fellowship builds us up and binds us together. Praise God that He brings a bond of unity to all who know Him as Savior....

Daily Prayer November 29, 2022

  Dear God, as I cross the threshold of this day, I commit myself, soul, body, affairs, friends, to Your care. Watch over, keep, guide, direct, sanctify, bless me. Incline my heart to Your ways. What a miracle it is, dear Lord, that You can bring together people of all tribes, tongues, and nations to be like-minded in Christ, to share a bond of love and affection for Jesus. Mold me completely into the image of Jesus, as a potter forms clay. May my lips be a well-tuned harp to sound Your praise. Seek me out, and bring me home to Your fold again. Deal favourably with me according to Your good pleasure, until I may dwell in Your house all the days of my life. Let me praise You forever and ever with them that are there. Amen.

Daily Devotional November 28, 2022

  In the Old Testament, they have this concept of the cities of refuge. Cities of refuge (Num. 35:6) were established to be a safe haven for people who had accidentally killed someone and were needing protection. God had the people establish such cities to provide that refuge. This concept, however, was not intended to be simply a practice for ancient Israel. More than that, cities of refuge reflected the heart of God for all people. He Himself longs to be our safe haven and our city of refuge in the failures, heartaches, and losses of life. Psalm 5:16-17 says, "I will sing of Your power. Yes, I will sing aloud of Your mercy in the morning; for You have been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble. To You, O my Strength, I will sing praises; for God is my defense, my God of mercy." For the hurting heart of every generation, our "city of refuge" is not a place. Our city of refuge is a Person - the God who loves us with an everlasting love. May we find our refu...

Daily Prayer November 28, 2022

    Dear Lord, walk with me so that I may not be alone as I face this day, but always in Your presence. Your joy is a lighthouse in a world often dark with sin. And, I pray that I may reflect the light of Your truth, to inspire others as I have been inspired. Give me the hope I need and help me never to be afraid to begin again. You told Your disciples to be anxious for nothing. I give to You my anxiety, Lord Christ, and lay my troubles upon Your mighty back. Let me work for your glory and not my own, Lord Jesus. Let the anxiety that comes from pride and vanity and fear of others might be gone from me. And, let me serve you in joy and peace. Amen

Daily Devotional November 27, 2022

  Just As I Am is one of the powerful hymn that are sang in the churches these days. It goes like this: "Just as I am, without one plea. But that Thy blood was shed for me. And that Thou bidd'st me come to Thee. O Lamb of God, I come!". Years before writing this song, Charlotte Elliot, the author of this song, asked a minister how she might find the Lord. He told her, "Just come to Him as you are." She did, and later during a discouraging time of illness, she wrote this hymn about the day she came to Christ and He forgave her sin. In His Word, the Lord encourages us to seek Him: "Seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near" (Isaiah 55:6). He calls to our hearts: "Ho! Everyone who thirsts, come to the waters ... Incline your ear, and come to Me. Hear, and your soul shall live". Because of Jesus' death and resurrection, we can come to Him right now and will one day go into eternity to be with Him forever. Just as I a...

Daily Prayer November 27, 2022

  Dear Heavenly Father, as I face this new day, let me be aware of the work You have done for me as I slept. I praise You that Your loving care never slumbers, but has been with me while I was least aware of it. And, that You renew me and the whole world, fresh every day, preparing Your plans for me. I pray that I may seek Your will this day, Your plan for my life, and carry out Your plan in my every action. I lay my hopes and fears on an altar before You, that Your Holy Spirit may guide my hopes toward the light of Your holiness. And, may quiet my fears with the knowledge of Your infinite peace, in total confidence that Your grace will save me from the evils of this world. Let the word of Christ richly dwell within me all this day. Dispel our darkness and make us a people with one heart and one voice, forever singing Your praise. And, whatever I do in word or deed, may I do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through Him to God the Father. Amen

Daily Devotional November 26, 2022

  When it comes to divine perspective, Habakkuk is one of the characters in the Bible who had a great experience when it comes to this. When he looked at life from his earthly vantage point, it seemed that God was indifferent to the evil permeating society (Hab. 1:2-4). But God gave him a divine perspective and showed him that life is more than what it seems. The deeds of men cannot thwart the purposes of God. Those who don't show any regard for God may seem to prosper at the moment, but God will ultimately right all wrong. God acts sovereignly in all that comes to pass so that everything works toward His good purpose. God's plan will surely take place and be on schedule. He's never late. He is always just on time. We can't sort out the whole picture from where we are in life; only God can. So let us continue to live by faith and not by sight. From His perspective, all things are working together for the believer's good and for His honor. Our times are in God's ...

Daily Prayer November 26, 2022

                                         Dear Lord, You are the God who sees us, and yet we can still run to You. We need You to do in us what we cannot do for ourselves. Please remove any mountain of pride or valley of despair that would keep us from welcoming You into our lives. Grant me that desire to spend time in your presence always. Help me to hear your call and to turn down the world’s volume so that I can hear it. Dwell with me., Lord. Let my words today build up someone for Your glory. Help us not to fall into temptation. And, help us to encourage each other each and everyday, for the greater glory of Your Kingdom.  Amen

Daily Devotional November 25, 2022

  How do you love others? Do you share the love of Jesus to everyone? And, how do you show your love to your family? It is really important to love one another just like God loved us, especially in our families. In John's first letter, the apostle describes things that are to be trademarks of those who are members of God's family. In 1 John 3:1, John affirms that we are indeed part of God's family by saying, "Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us, that we should be called children of God!" He then describes the trademarks of those who are the children of God, including, "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God" (1 John 4:7). Because "love is of God," the chief way to reflect the heart of the Father is by displaying the love that characterizes Him. May we allow His love to reach out to others through us - for love is one of our family trademarks. Love is the fam...

Daily Prayer November 25, 2022

  Dear Heavenly Father, blessed are You for ever; Holy is Your name. Great is Your mercy for Your people. In the morning, I cry out to You my deepest concerns. Teach me to love with the love of Christ that others might see Your love reflected in my care and concern for them. May Your love drive and dominate my responses to life and to others. Remain in my heart, and guide me in my love and service all of this day.  Help me to shine Your light before others and lead them to the way of faith. May Your law and Your goodness guide my every thought, O Lord. And, may the power of your Holy Spirit flow through my words and my actions today, and always. Amen

Daily Devotional November 24, 2022

  Do you know some people who need the Savior in their lives? In what ways we can share His love to them? There are a lot of ways, actually. But by asking wisdom in His Name, we can do it. We can share His love. How to share? Pray for it first. Let the Lord check our hearts. Let our motives be right in sharing His Word to others. Ask the Lord to guide you and lead you to the right words that you will be saying. Also, ask Him to prepare your hearts whatever might happen and you will be ready for it. For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost (Luke 19:10). Point them to Jesus. He went here on this earth to save us. Pray for those people that they will receive Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, like yours. Christian life may not be easy but it will be worth it in the end. It is because we will be reunited with God in Heaven and experience eternal life.

Daily Prayer November 24, 2022

  Dear God, blessed be Your Name in all the earth. I thank You because You have delivered me from the dominion of darkness and brought me into the kingdom of Your risen Son. We rejoice in this new day You have made, and praise You for Your mighty acts. As I offer You all that is ordinary and everyday in my life, I ask you to give me the power of your Spirit that I may transform each day by living with a positive attitude, looking for the best in people and situations. Inspire me to live in Your presence every day so that I may have a full share of the hope only Your Spirit can bring. Lead me do the ordinary things of life in an extraordinary way, to Your glory. Guide our steps toward and not away from those who need You. Then guide our words and our actions, too. So that, we can be purposeful in our encounters with others. Amen

Daily Devotional November 23, 2022

  Life is often constituted by the choices we make, and some of them produce regret. Some choices much more serious and painful regrets. King David discovered this when he chose to sleep with another man's wife and then killed that man. He described the guilt that filled him as devastating. He said, "When I kept silent, my bones grew old through my groaning all the day long. For day and night Your hand was heavy upon me; my vitality was turned into the drought of summer" (Ps. 32:3-4). But David acknowledged and confessed his sin to God and found forgiveness. It is only from God that we can receive the grace of forgiveness. When our choices have produced painful regrets, He will still forgive us. His arms are wide open to cleanse us if we ask forgiveness. Only in Him do we find the wisdom to make better choices. God's forgiveness frees us from the chains of regret. Our chains are gone because of Him who freely forgives us, if we just ask.

Daily Prayer November 23, 2022

  Dear Lord, I give You thanks for the fruits of the earth in their season and for the labors of those who harvest them. Make me and all of my brothers and sisters in Christ, I pray, faithful stewards of your great bounty, for the provision of our necessities and the relief of all who are in need. We believe in You, our Jehovah Jireh. Forgive me for the foolish choices I have made. Please enable me to be wiser in my choices. Teach me the value of resting in Your grace. I humbly pray that we may always prove ourselves a people who remember Your favor and are glad to do Your will. Bless our land with honorable industry, sound learning, and pure manners. Save us from violence, discord, and confusion; from pride and arrogance, and from every evil way. Amen

Daily Devotional November 22, 2022

  How many times you have been let down by someone? There are many people who promise us that they will stand by us, no matter what comes our way. They say, ‘Don’t worry, we’ll be right behind you’. However, when trouble strikes, many of them are so far behind that you can’t see them, even with a telescope! But God is not like that, He promised us that He will guide us all the way. He will never desert us in the midst of changing circumstances. We have a God who never deserts us, specifically in the most difficult moments. He never lets us down. Cling to God, He is always at our side. He repeated that statement a lot of times in the Bible. It means that He wants us to be constantly reminded that He is just there. Acknowledge Him in everything and He will make your paths straight (Prov. 3:6)