
Showing posts from February, 2022

Daily Devotional March 1, 2022

  It was a bit unusual, but three times in one day I heard the same song. In the early afternoon, I attended a hymnsing at a  home for the elderly. As part of her prayer at the end of our time together, Willie, one of the residents, said, "Sing with me, 'Jesus Loves Me'." In the evening, I attended a gathering with young people who sang it while pounding out the beat with their hands and feet. Later that evening, I received a text message on my phone with an audio recording of my 2 1/12-year-old niece with a sweet little voice, singing, "I am weak, but He is strong". People in their nineties, teenagers, and a toddler all sang that song that day. After hearing that simple song three times, I began to think the Lord might be telling me something. Actually, He gave us all this message long ago: "I love you". In John 19, He allowed people to put a crown of thorns on His head, mock Him, strike Him, strip Him and crucify him (vv. 1-6). He had the power t...

Daily Prayer March 1, 2022

  Dear Lord, grant me the grace of wonder. Surprise me, amaze me, awe me in every crevice of Your universe. Delight me to see how Your Christ plays in ten thousand places, in limbs and eyes not His, to be the father through the features of men's faces.  Each day enrapture me with Your marvelous things without number. I do not ask to see the reason for it all, I ask only to share the wonder of it all.  I pray for all who will be making journeys today, I pray for protection. Now to him who is able to keep us from stumbling and to present ourselves blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen

Daily Devotional February 28, 2022

  There was a magnificent sunrise this morning, but I was too busy to enjoy it. I turned away and became preoccupied with other things. I thought about that sunrise a few moments ago, and I realize I lost an opportunity for worship this morning. In the midst of the busyness and stresses of our days, there are patches of beauty all around us, glimpses of God's goodness that we catch here and there along the way. These are the places in the walls of the universe where heaven is breaking through - if only we will take the time to stop and to reflect upon God's love for us. What if Moses had taken only a fleeting glance at the bush that was burning but "was not consumed"? (Ex. 3:2). What if he had ignored it and hurried on to other things? (He had those sheep to take care of, you know, and important work to do). He would have missed an epic, life-changing encounter with the living God (vv. 4-12). Sometimes in life we must hurry. But overall, life should be less hurrying a...

Daily Prayer February 28, 2022

  Dear Lord, help me to go about the tasks and duties of this day with the remembrance that I am Your servant therein. Make me honest, painstaking, and cheerful. And, grant that all I do and say may bring good to others and glory to Your Holy Name. May I have the courage never to be afraid of anyone. May I have the generosity to bear ill-feeling toward no-one. Lead me to live in such a way as to treat others in the same way as I would like to be treated. Inspire me never to be violent in thought, word or action, and lead me to conquer evil with goodness. Let me go forth in Your peace, keeping Your Spirit always in my mind. And bless me, I pray, that I might always follow Your will and live in the radiance of Your blessing. Amen

Daily Devotional February 27, 2022

  In Michigan's Upper Peninsula is a remarkable natural wonder - a pool about 40 feet deep and 300 feet across that Native Americans called "Kitch-iti-kipi", or "the big cold water". Today it is known as The Big Spring. It is fed by underground springs that push more than 10,000 gallons of water a minute through the rocks below and up to the surface. Additionally, the water keeps a constant temperature of 45 degrees Fahrenheit, meaning that even in the brutally cold winters of the Upper Peninsula the pool never freezes. Tourists can enjoy viewing the waters of Big Spring during any season of the year. When Jesus encountered a woman at Jacob's well, He talked to her about another source of water that would always satisfy. But He did not speak of a fountain, spring, river, or lake. He said, "Whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into ever...

Daily Prayer February 27, 2022

  Dear Heavenly Father, it seems that I drink far too often from the waters of the world that cannot satisfy. Forgive me, and teach me to find in Christ the water that can quench the thirst of my heart. Draw me ever closer to You. You have made of one blood all the peoples of the earth, and sent Your blessed Son to preach peace to those who are far off and to those who are near. Grant that people everywhere may seek after You and find You. Bring the nations into Your fold, pour out Your Spirit upon all flesh, and hasten the coming of Your kingdom. Now the God of patience and consolation grant to me and to all who pray in the name of Christ, to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus. That we may with one mind and one mouth glorify God, even the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. This I pray, in Your Name. Amen

Daily Devotional February 26, 2022

  No one wants to be weak, so we find ways to appear strong. Some of us use the force of our emotions to manipulate people. Others use the force of personality to control people, and some use intellect to intimidate. Although these create an illusion of strength, they are signs of weakness.  When we are truly strong, we have the courage to admit our limitations and to acknowledge our dependence on God. As a result, true strength often looks a lot like weakness. When the apostle Paul prayed that an affliction would be taken from him, God answered, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness" (2 Cor. 12:9). Paul responded with these troubling words, "When I am weak, then I am strong" (v. 10). Toward the end of Jesus' earthly ministry, some of His disciples were striving for positions of prominence. Jesus used their argument as an opportunity to teach them that in His Kingdom things are different: greatness comes when we willingly a...

Daily Prayer February 26, 2022

  Dear Lord, Eternal and Creator of all things, who with your unknowable goodness called me to this life; I have no life, no light, no joy or wisdom, no strength except in You, O God. I entreat You, teach me to pray aright. Purify me from all taint of flesh and spirit. Bless this day which You give to me, Your unworthy servant. By the power of Your blessing, enable me, throughout this day, to speak and act to Your glory with a pure spirit, with humility, patience, love, gentleness, peace, courage and wisdom. Let me be always aware of Your presence.  By the power of Your love, grant me to hold fast to that which is good. Preserve me from every word or deed that corrupts the soul; from every impulse unpleasing in Your sight and hurtful to my fellow man, my brothers and sisters. This in Christ’s name, I pray. Amen

Daily Devotional February 25, 2022

  My friends and I were anticipating a contemplative time looking at a collection of artwork about the prodigal son who returned home to a forgiving father (Luke 15). When we arrived at the information table, we noticed the brochures, books, and a sign pointing to the artwork. Also on the table was a dinner plate with bread, a napkin, and a glass. Each of us privately pondered what the significance of the plate could be. We wondered it it represented communion fellowship between the prodigal son and his father when he returned home. But as we examined it more closely, we realized simultaneously: Someone had left a dirty plate on the display table. And it wasn't bread, but leftover cookie bars! Our imaginations had been wrong. We had a good laugh, but then it made me think about how sometimes we imagine more than what's really there while reading the Bible. Rather than assuming that our speculation is correct, however, we need to be sure our interpretation fits with the whole of...

Daily Prayer February 25, 2022

  Dear Heavenly Father, in You we live and move and have our being. I humbly pray You so to guide and govern me by Your Holy Spirit. Let all the cares and occupations of my life I may not forget You, but may remember that I am ever walking in Your sight. Help us to be still and know You are God. Guide me always to do Your holy will, knowing that Your strength will carry me through. Your words lead us to the calmness and greatness of Your Presence. Now, oh Heavenly Father, I ask to be called as a witness to Your love by the love I extend to others; a precursor of Your justice by my unfailing commitment to what is right and good; a lamp set on a hill, reflecting the light of Christ in my forgiveness, mercy and compassion; and a harvester of souls through my humble and dedicated servanthood. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen

Daily Devotional February 24, 2022

  Herman Wouk's thrilling World War 2 novel "The Caine Mutiny" contains an excellent illustration of what happens when someone becomes a follower of God. In the novel, a young man from an influential family has enlisted in the Navy. On the day of his induction, his mother drops him off in her fancy car and then kisses him goodbye. He shakes hands with the guard as he enters the building, and the door closes behind him. His mother, suddenly worried that he might not have enough money, rushes up to the door. But the guard politely stops her. When she demands entrance, he refuses to let her in. She can see her son standing inside the door, so she reaches for the doorknob. "He's my son!" she cries. The guard gently removes her hand from the knob and says softly, "I know, Ma'am, but he belongs to Uncle Sam now. He's a sailor". When we believe in Jesus Christ and became His followers, we are under new authority. We are subject to new commands. No...

Daily Prayer February 24, 2022

  Dear Lord, who has mercy upon all, take away from me my sins. Mercifully kindle in me the fire of your Holy Spirit. Take away from me the heart of stone, and give me a heart of flesh, a heart to love and adore You, a heart to delight in You, to follow and to enjoy You. Fill my heart and my whole being with the wonder of Your presence. Grant me the grace to have freedom of the spirit. Cleanse my heart and soul so I may live joyously in Your love. Now fulfill in my contrite heart the promise of redeeming grace; forgiving all my sins, and cleansing me from an evil conscience; through the perfect sacrifice of Christ Jesus our Lord. And turn my heart to your will at every moment, I pray. This I pray, in Your Name. Amen

Daily Devotional February 23, 2022

  An antique dealer thought the wrinkled old baseball card she found might be worth $10. After posting it on eBay, she began to wonder if it might be more valuable than she had thought. She removed the posting and consulted a professional evaluator who confirmed that the photo on the 1869 card showed the Cincinnati Red Stockings, the first professional baseball team n the US. The card sold for more than $75,000. Mike Osegueda's article in The Fresno Bee said that even though the card was creased and discolored, the most important thing was its authenticity - it was real. Paul and his companions suffered greatly while spreading the gospel. In 2 Corinthians 6, he listed their outward trials, their inward traits, and their spiritual resources (vv. 4-7). Try to imagine the circumstances in which all these things interacted - beatings, patience, prison, kindness, distresses, love. Although broken physically, depleted emotionally, and tested spiritually, the authenticity of their fa...

Daily Prayer February 23, 2022

  Dear Lord, I thank You for this day. I thank You that I can see or hear Your Word this morning. Let me give thanks all day for what I have, especially Your eternal love. Forgive me this day when I go astray, by my thoughts or actions. My only aim is to please You, to know and do Your will. Guide my every step. Your are my leader and my coach, Lord. I am on Your team. Help me to keep this in mind for just today, in Christ’s name I pray. Amen

Daily Devotional February 22, 2022

  One of the most difficult experiences in my years as a pastor was telling a member of our church that her husband, her son, and her father-in-law had all drowned in a boating accident. I knew the news would shatter her life. In the days following their tragic loss, I was amazed as she and her family responded with unusual faith. Sure, there was deep brokenness, haunting doubt, and confusion. But when nothing else made sense, they still had Jesus. Rather than deserting Him in the midst of their desperately difficult days, they ran to Him as the only source of hope and confidence. This reminds me of the reaction of the disciples to Jesus. After some of them "went back and walked with Him no more" because He was hard to understand (John 6:66), Jesus turned to His inner circle, and asked, "Do you also want to go away?" (v. 67). Peter got it right when he responded, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life" (v. 68). Whatever you face tod...

Daily Prayer February 22, 2022

  Dear Lord, You are a helper, a savior and a shield. You resurrect the dead. You are powerful to save us in forgiveness of our sins. Grant that Your holy and life-giving Spirit may so move every human heart. Let those barriers which divide us may crumble, suspicions disappear and hatreds cease. And, our divisions being healed, so that we may live together in justice and peace. May the God of peace, who declared victory over death by the resurrection of His only Son, Jesus Christ, make me perfect in every thought and act through His grace, that my life might be pleasing in His sight and that I might share the perfect peace that is only possible through Him, to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen

Daily Devotional February 21, 2022

  Parking my car has been a lifelong problem for me. It really wasn't a high priority with my driving instructor, so I never learned to back up into a parking space until many years later. He also skipped the parallel parking lesson, and I still avoid that unless there's enough space for two or three cars.  I've also struggled to understand a statement I heard when I was a young Christian: "God can't steer a parked car". I took that as a challenge to shift my life into motion, and along the way God would guide me in the right direction. It's an interesting thought, but it's not always the way God works. Occasionally, God does want us to "stay parked" for a while. At times, when Moses was in the wilderness, God kept the Israelites in one place. He led them by a cloud, and when it stayed still for many days, "the children of Israel. . . did not journey" (Num. 9:19). Waiting isn't always easy, but sometimes God wants us to stay rig...

Daily Prayer February 21, 2022

  Dear God, use me today as may suit You. This is my prayer, to submit myself totally to Your Holy Spirit, showing the face of Christ to the world in my love and my proclamation of Your majesty. If the world hates me for it, let me remember that this hatred is for You. If I be like Christ, should I resent a crown of thorns? Put Your words in my mouth, O Holy Spirit, whatever the cost, and teach me to bear any burden with the joy of eternal salvation. For every stripe on my back, put an angel in my heart to heal me.  God our Father, and our Lord Jesus Christ, and Spirit of God amidst us, direct our way unto You. Make us to increase and abound in love one toward another, and toward all men, even as we do toward You; to the end we may establish our hearts unblameable in holiness before You, even our Father, at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ with all his saints. Amen