Daily Devotional September 1, 2021

Our world has become increasingly noisy. But according to a news report, science has found a way to achieve absolute silence: "Scientists have shown off the blueprint for an 'acoustic cloak', which could make objects impervious to sound waves. The technology, outlined in the New Journal of Physics, could be used to build sound-proof homes, advanced concert halls, or stealth warships". When we seek out a quiet place for devotional time with God, we may wish we had an "acoustic cloak". But even if we could silence all external sound, the internal noises of worry would still reverberate in our minds. We are told: "Be still, and know that I am God" (Ps. 46:10). But how do we calm our hearts in practical terms? God understands our dilemma and has provided His own "acoustic cloak" to quiet our hearts. It involves exchanging our cares for His peace. "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, ...